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Throat Infections

Last updated: Mar 10, 2025

A sore throat doesn’t always mean you have a throat infection, but with so many consequences from an untreated infection, you’re advised to get it examined and diagnosed. Throat infections are more serious than a simple sore throat, and the infection can spread to others and to other parts of your body. Visit the ear, nose and throat physicians at the Century Medical & Dental Center in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Harlem for the best outcomes to protect yourself and others. Call today for an appointment.

What Are Throat Infections?

Throat infections are identified by inflammation and irritation in your throat. They’re can be caused by viruses, bacteria and sometimes allergens. While they share symptoms with a sore throat, throat infections are usually more serious. They can resolve on their own, but sometimes, you need medical intervention.

There are several types of throat infections, including:

  • Viral pharyngitis, the medical term for a sore throat
  • Bacterial pharyngitis
  • Tonsilitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Epigolitis

Throat infections are widespread throughout the world. They account for the most doctor visits. Strep throat is most common in children, but laryngitis is common in adults. Untreated throat infections can become ear issues if you don’t get them treated promptly. You may end up with an ear infection or fluid in your ears, and these conditions, if left untreated, can lead to permanent hearing loss.

If you have a sore throat with symptoms like discomfort or trouble swallowing, and the symptoms haven’t got better in the past several days, visit an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist. In New York City, the best ENT specialists practice at the Century Medical & Dental Center. With more than a decade of medical experience, these are board certified doctors who have access to the latest medical technology and diagnostic tools. With offices in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Harlem, they are convenient as well as top-quality.

Throat Infection

What Are the Symptoms of a Throat Infection?

If you think you may have a throat infection, visit your primary care doctor or better yet: an ENT specialist. Throat infections cause common symptoms, such as throat pain, irritation or a scratchy sensation. Every time you swallow, your throat may hurt.

Other symptoms you can experience from a throat infection include:

  • Swollen tonsils
  • A high fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • A ragged cough
  • Body aches and headaches
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Congestion and a runny nose
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Loss of your voice

Throat infections are contagious and can spread through sneezing and coughing. Shaking hands with someone with a throat infection or touching contaminated surfaces helps spread the disease. Even sharing utensils and other items with an infected person spreads the infection.

Your Manhattan or Brooklyn throat specialist diagnoses a throat infection by doing a physical exam and checking for swelling, redness or pus. A throat swab test checks for streptococcus bacteria to see if you have strep throat. Your doctor may decide to give you a rapid strep test to look for other bacterial infections, and sometimes, your ENT doctor orders blood tests for mononucleosis or other diseases.

What Causes Throat Infections?

There are several factors that can cause a throat infection. The most common cause is a viral infection, such as common cold viruses like rhinovirus, influenza, COVID-19, herpes simplex virus or measles.

Other causes include:

  • Bacterial infections, which include mycoplasma pneumonia, chlamydia, gonorrhea or diphtheria, which is rare but severe
  • Fungal infections, including diabetes, inhaled steroids or oral thrush, also known as candida, which is common in people with weak immune systems
  • Allergies and environmental triggers, which include pollen, dust, mold, smoking, air pollution, dry air and spicy foods
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, a condition that leads to stomach acid rising into your throat, causing chronic irritation, coughing and burning
  • A weak immune system, especially for people with HIV/AIDS, cancer or diabetes

A timely checkup by your Manhattan ENT doctor prevents throat infections from spreading to other parts of your body. Potential complications include chronic ear infections, fluid in your ear, sinus infections and abscesses. You may also become susceptible to post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever resulting from strep throat, which damages your heart and joints.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Throat Infections?

Treating throat infections depends on the underlying cause. Medical treatment options for viral throat infections include resting, drinking fluids, taking over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen, gargling with saltwater to soothe inflammation and using antiviral medications for COVID-19 or a severe flu.

Treatment for other types of throat infections includes:

  • Antibiotics, painkillers, rest and reduced contact with others are recommended for bacterial infections.
  • Antifungal medications are prescribed for fungal infections.
  • Sometimes, a tonsillectomy, the surgical removal of your tonsils, is recommended for recurrent and severe cases. This treatment is sometimes recommended for adults who get five-to-seven infections per year.

Washing your hands regularly and practicing good hygiene can prevent a throat infection. Eating a balanced diet, taking multivitamins and getting enough sleep strengthens your immunity system. Avoid smoking and manage your allergies. Get flu shots and vaccines promptly. Use a humidifier in your home to keep your throat moist.

How Dangerous Are Children’s Throat Infections if Untreated?

Children are sensitive to throat infections because their immune systems are still developing. Even a minor infection can potentially cause life-threatening conditions, so make sure even minor issues are addressed right away.

If you think your child has a throat infection, have it treated by your Harlem or Brooklyn ENT physician, since untreated infections can cause complications, including:

  • Hearing loss
  • Heart damage
  • Skin rashes
  • Sinusitis
  • Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders
  • A pus-filled abscess around the tonsils
  • Damage to their lungs and brain
  • Poor or slow development

Even though a throat infection by itself is mild and easily resolved with care, it still can become deadly for a young child. It can cause airway blockage that leads to suffocation, or a tonsillar abscess can cause severe swelling, making it hard to breathe.

Additionally, a throat infection may cause:

  • Sepsis. This is a bacterial infection that enters the bloodstream, which threatens the immune system.
  • Brain infection. If bacteria spread to the brain or spinal cord, it can become fatal.
  • Neck infection. Even though it’s rare, a throat infect may spread to the neck, causing swelling and obstructing the airway.

You must take a throat infection in a child seriously to avoid severe consequences. Although it doesn’t always require medical intervention, have it checked out promptly to be on the safe side. In Brooklyn, Harlem and Manhattan, visit the experts at the Century Medical & Dental Center for the best medical services. Contact the practice today to resolve your throat discomfort safely.

Page Updated on Mar 10, 2025, Reviewed by Dr. Dvorkina (Primary Care Doctor) of Century Medical & Dental Center
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Century Medical and Dental Center is an accredited healthcare facility in NY that operates in accordance with Article 28, a public health law. This law regulates and recognizes accreditation for public healthcare facilities, ensuring they are licensed and operated correctly. By undergoing the Article 28 process and achieving accreditation, Century Medical and Dental Center demonstrates its commitment to meeting the highest standards of care.

As a multidisciplinary medical center, we have highly qualified doctors, nurses, and support staff who are working hard to provide the best medical care to patients in Midtown Manhattan, NY, Downtown Brooklyn, NY, including Brooklyn Heights, Dumbo, Prospect Heights, Park Slope, Clinton Hill, Boerum Hill, Red Hook, Harlem, Gravesneck, Flatbush, and Bedford-Stuyvesant.

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