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Do not let lack of sexual health information misguide you and believe in things that are not possible or do not exist. The gynecologists at the Century Medical and Dental Center deal with many issues that men and women encounter during their lifetime and provide the best solutions for their problems. The experienced and board-certified specialists help in diagnosing and treating any type of sexually transmitted disease and educate you on how to identify STDs and take good care of yourself. They care about your reproductive health and provide reliable and trusted information on safe sex, sexual partners, herpes simplex virus, and STDs to help you stay away from misinformation and fake news to live a better quality of life.
Blue Waffles Disease is a fictional sexually transmitted infection that is only believed to affect females. Waffle is a slang term for vagina, and blue refers to one of the imaginary symptoms of this fake condition. According to the information gathered from online sources, Blue Waffles disease is a condition that can disfigure a woman’s vulva area and turn it blue. Gynecologists believe it to be nothing more than a hoax or a rumor that was started on the internet some time ago and got out of hand. There is no medical evidence to suggest that this sexually transmitted disease really exists.
There are many critical and life-changing STDs, but none of them can change the color of the vulva to blue.
It seems to be about a sexually transmitted disease, but in reality, it is not. It is more about the need for comprehensive sex education and how we must learn to avoid fake news and rumors that create misconceptions about something as serious as human life, health, and peace of mind.
It all started when someone posted an image of a blue-colored waffle, with text that read: “Bet you can’t find me on Google image search”. Those who opened it were shocked to find the image of blue-tinted, apparently diseased labia. The purpose was to shock or catch the people unaware and make them believe it was a new sexually transmitted disease.
Unfortunately, the internet is full of false information about this fake disease, and you will find different explanations about how it occurs, what its symptoms are, and what problems it can cause.
It has also been claimed that this disease has taken more than 85 lives, and it is a virus that is 10 times greater than the AIDS virus. Even though medical history does not have any record of an STD with such causes and symptoms, yet the news continues to spread on the internet.
This hoax gained sufficient publicity and attracted the attention of medical professionals who verified and made it clear that this disease is not real. Health experts, particularly gynecologists have declared it to be an elaborate hoax by someone who has extensive Photoshop skills.
Medical professionals say there is no such disease as the Blue Waffles in the medical world. No infection can cause a blue appearance on the external genitalia. They believe accurate and timely information is the most effective way to understand more about sexual health, preventing STDs, and maintaining a healthy and complication-free lifestyle.
Sexually transmitted diseases are a big, painful, and unfortunate reality. STD refers to more than 35 infectious organisms that are transmitted primarily through sexual activity. Young people between the ages of 15 to 24 are most affected by these infections. Many cases of STDs go undiagnosed as they are mild and get better on their own, but many people end up with painful symptoms that require timely medical attention.
The Blue Waffles is a nasty prank, but STDs continue to be a big problem that most people experience at least once in their lifetime. The top gynecologists from all over the world confirm that there is no such disease by the name of Blue Waffles, and they do not believe it could be real.
According to health experts, there is no such STD as Blue Waffles disease. It has originated from online rumors in which pictures show a woman’s vulva turning blue or purple and displaying scabs or lesions. It is not clear if these pictures have been photoshopped, but they do not represent the symptoms of any existing disease verified by the gynecologists.
Blue Waffles disease only affects women, the news on the internet reports. However, most STDs affect both men and women, though the consequences are more severe for women. In some cases, sexually transmitted diseases can also harm unborn babies if they are not treated appropriately.
The claimed causes of this disease range from poor hygiene to having frequent sex and multiple STDs. Many websites report that men can also get Blue Waffles but only from women who practice poor hygiene. It does not seem to be true, as poor hygiene or having frequent sex does not make the genitals change their color.
Some STDs can produce symptoms similar to those of the fictitious Blue Waffles that cause further confusion amongst the readers. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis (BV), genital herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), and trichomoniasis are some diseases that can produce symptoms similar to those associated with fictitious Blue Waffles disease.
They include:
These symptoms may be a sign of vaginitis. Infections can cause viral infection, which is transmitted through sexual intercourse, while others result from allergic reactions or changes in the typical chemical or bacterial balance in the vagina.
Even today, you will find reputable websites that continue to provide accurate and updated information on reproductive health, childbirth practices, and other vital issues talking about this disease.
One of the reasons it ended up fooling so many people is that its symptoms overlap those of many other sexually transmitted diseases. It made people believe it is something genuine and could happen to them. Sexual health awareness can play a crucial role in helping people learn more about sexual health topics and keep them from believing information that has no true basis.
People who do not have adequate sex knowledge or access to proper healthcare end up accepting false information from the internet and other unreliable sources and even compromise their health and peace of mind. Schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor if you have concerns regarding STDs or a family history of such disorders to protect yourself and others from making wrong decisions or landing in trouble. The experienced and board-certified gynecologists at the Century Medical and Dental Center provide complete and reliable information about sexual health and diseases to protect you from complications.
SHARE THIS POST Page Updated on Dec 18, 2022 by Dr. Dvorkina (Primary Care Doctor) of Century Medical & Dental CenterCentury Medical and Dental Center is an accredited healthcare facility in NY that operates in accordance with Article 28, a public health law. This law regulates and recognizes accreditation for public healthcare facilities, ensuring they are licensed and operated correctly. By undergoing the Article 28 process and achieving accreditation, Century Medical and Dental Center demonstrates its commitment to meeting the highest standards of care.
As a multidisciplinary medical center, we have highly qualified doctors, nurses, and support staff who are working hard to provide the best medical care to patients in Midtown Manhattan, NY, Downtown Brooklyn, NY, including Brooklyn Heights, Dumbo, Prospect Heights, Park Slope, Clinton Hill, Boerum Hill, Red Hook, Harlem, Gravesneck, Flatbush, and Bedford-Stuyvesant.